Installing Combine

There are two deployment methods explained below. Choose the one that meets your needs. Please be aware that running this system requires not insignificant resources. Required is at least 8GB RAM and 2 processor cores. Combine, at its heart, is a metadata aggregating and processing framework that runs within a software called Django. It requires other components such as Elasticsearch, Spark, among others, in order to work properly. If you are looking to test-drive or develop on Combine, you have arrived at the right place.

Pre-Installation Notes:

  • Both installation methods listed below assume an Ubuntu 18.04 server
  • For either installation, there are a host of variables that set default values. They are all found in the all.yml file inside the group_vars folder.
    • If you are installing this system on a remote server, you MUST update the ip_address variable found in all.yml. Change it to your remote server’s ip address.
    • If you are installing the system locally with Vagrant, you don’t need to do anything. Your server will be available at

Vagrant-based Installation (local)

  • If you are looking to run an instance of the Combine ecosystem on your own computer, you will use the Vagrant-based installation method. This method assumes that you have 8GB of RAM and 2 processor cores available to devote to this system. Double-check and make sure you have this available on your computer. This means you will need MORE than that in RAM and cores in order to not bring your computer to a complete halt. Local testing has been performed on iMacs running MacOS Sierra that have a total of 4 cores and 16 GB of RAM.
  • Install VirtualBox, Vagrant, and Ansible, Python, and Passlib.
  • Clone the following Github repository: combine-playbook
  • Navigate to the repository in your favorite terminal/shell/command line interface.

Within the root directory of the repository, run the commands listed below:

  • Install pre-requisites.

    ansible-galaxy install -f -c -r requirements.yml
  • Build the system.

    vagrant up
  • This installation will take a while. The command you just ran initializes the vagrant tool to manage the installation process. It will first download and install a copy of Ubuntu Linux (v.18.04) on your VirtualBox VM. Then, it will configure your networking to allow SSH access through an account called vagrant and make the server available only to your local computer at the IP address of After that initial work, the vagrant tool will use ansible to provision (i.e. install all components and dependencies) to a VM on your computer.

  • After completed, your server will be available at Navigating to will allow you to setup your system defaults (OAI endpoints, etc). Going to will take you to the heart of the application where you can ingest, transform, and analyze metadata. Login using the credentials the following credentials:

    username: combine
    password: combine
  • Access via SSH is available through the accounts below. Both have sudo privileges. The combine password defaults to what is listed below. If you have edited group_vars/all.yml and changed the password listed there, please adjust accordingly. ``` username: combine password: combine

    username: vagrant password: vagrant ```

Ansible-based Installation (remote server)

  • If you have a remote server that you want to install the system upon, these installation instructions are for you. Your server should already be running Ubuntu 18.04. It needs to be remotely accessible through SSH from your client machine and have at least port 80 accessible. Also, it needs Python 2.7 installed on it. Your server will need at least 8GB of RAM and 2 cores, but more is better.

  • Install Ansible, Python, and Passlib on your client machine. This installation method has not been tested using Windows as client machine, and, therefore, we offer no support for running an installation using Windows as a client. For more information, please refer to these Windows-based instructions:

  • Exchange ssh keys with your server.

    • Example command on MacOS

      ssh-keygen -t rsa
      cat ~/.ssh/ | ssh USERNAME@IP_ADDRESS_OR_FQDN "mkdir -p ~/.ssh && cat >>  ~/.ssh/authorized_keys"
  • Point ansible to remote server.

    • You do this by creating a file named hosts inside the following directory: /etc/ansible. If you are using a Linux or MacOS machine, you should have an etc directory, but you will probably have to create the ansible folder. Place your server’s IP address or FQDN in this hosts file. If the username you used to exchange keys with the server is anything other than root, you will have to add ansible_user=YOUR_USERNAME. Your hosts file could end up looking something like this: ansible_user=USERNAME. For more information see:
  • Check your target machine is accessible and ansible is configured by running the following command:

    ansible all -m ping
    • A successful response will look something similar to this. Substitute your IP for the one listed below in the example. | SUCCESS => {
      "changed": false,
      "failed": false,
      "ping": "pong"
    • If the response indicates a failure, it might look something like below. This below type of failure indicates that it could successfully connect to the server, but that it didn’t find Python 2.7 installed on the remote server. This is fine. The important part is that it could connect to the server. The ansible playbook will automatically install Python 2.7 when it begins, so you should be fine to proceed to the next step(s). | FAILED! => {
      "changed": false,
      "failed": true,
      "module_stderr": "Warning: Permanently added '' (ECDSA) to the list of known hosts.\r\n/bin/sh: 1: /usr/bin/python: not found\n",
      "module_stdout": "",
      "msg": "MODULE FAILURE",
      "rc": 127
  • Clone the following Github repository: combine-playbook

  • Navigate to the repository in your favorite terminal/shell/command line interface.

  • Update ip_address in group_vars/all.yml

    • Change the ip_address variable to your remote server’s IP address.
  • Within the root directory of the repository, run the commands listed below:

    • Install pre-requisites

      ansible-galaxy install -f -c -r requirements.yml
    • Run ansible playbook

      ansible-playbook playbook.yml
  • This installation will take a while. Ansible provisions the server with all of the necessary components and dependencies.

  • After the installation is complete, your server will be ready for you to use Combine’s web-based interface. Go to your server’s IP address. Navigating to /admin will allow you to setup your system defaults (OAI endpoints, etc). Going to /combine will take you to the heart of the application where you can ingest, transform, and analyze metadata. Login using the following credentials:

    username: combine
    password: combine
  • Access via SSH is available through the account below. It has sudo privileges. The password below is correct unless you have changed it inside group_vars/all.yml.

    username: combine
    password: combine

Post-Installation walkthrough

Once you do have an instance of the server up and running, you can find a QuickStart walkthrough here.


Restarting Elasticsearch

sudo systemctl restart combine_elasticsearch.service